Day 2
Ideation Tools – Innovation Master Tool Set
To be able to successfully innovate personnel need tools to utilize in the innovation process. These tools are encompassed within our Innovation Master Tool Set and consist of “ideation”, “development” and “commercialization” tool sub-sets. In this session, we train an organization’s personnel on how to utilize the ideation sub-category of innovation tools.
The unique attribute and underlying foundation of our ideation tool set training is that it is an organic, natural approach to ideation because new ideas and innovation should be the by-product of an employee’s normal daily activities. While some of our ideation tools do entail the use dedicated innovation time, use of many of the tools becomes just part of a person’s normal operating routine.
In other words, ideation should be like breathing – a person doesn’t think about it, they just do it. So, it should be with ideation – a person is just subliminally thinking about and looking for innovation opportunities. Therefore, once trained, this ideation skill just runs in the background of a person’s mind while they do their daily activities.
Once personnel have been trained on using this tool set they will see the opportunities for innovations virtually everywhere and will become a well-spring of innovation for an organization. An additional benefit of this training is they will have a new awareness of how to have a company’s customer’s perspective at heart in whatever they do and how to stay customer focused.
Development and Commercialization Tools – Innovation Master Tool Set
The entire area of innovation can be daunting to many people because they lack the “tools” to take an idea through to a commercialized product. In this session people are trained on the tools that will enable the development of ideas into workable innovations and the final activities necessary for the commercialized release of an innovation. Use of these innovation tools enable personnel to effectively proceed through the innovation cycle in an intentional way – thus speeding the development of innovations. This results in them creating high quality innovations – thereby permitting an organization to stay ahead of its competition.
Additionally, the keys to creating an atmosphere of innovation and how to validate one’s invention or innovation will be covered. The development and implementation of Innovation Teams will also be discussed including the guidance of and reporting on Innovation Team results. Training will also be provided on how to ensure that one creates viable, customer-centric innovations. Finally, training on use of Innovation Pipeline Management software will be provided.
Innovation Master Tool Set Practice
Once employees have been trained on the Innovation Master Tool Set they will have ample time in this segment to practice using the tools. They will utilize the tools and related processes in both individual and team settings. As part of this training they will form into groups of 5 to 10 people so they can see how innovation should operate in a team setting. During this hands-on innovation tool implementation training they will actually be developing innovations an organization can immediately utilize.
In this session individual team member coaching and Innovation Team facilitation is provided. A by-product of this innovation tool usage training is that an atmosphere of innovation starts to be created within a company while employees experience how a collaborative innovation culture functions. By using a structured, systematic approach to innovation personnel will start to develop an innovative organizational identity and will begin to see innovations throughout a company.
Shark Attack Event
In a fun-filled, mini-Shark Tank like concluding session, each team will present their innovation to a panel of three judges who will evaluate the innovations for merit. Depending on the level of the participants, the judges can either be the managers of participants, the organization’s executives or actual “Sharks” from the hit TV Program Stark Tank. The winning teams are then recognized for their achievements. As a result of this session personnel begin to experience recognition of, rewarding and celebrating innovation in a way the truly gets them excited and engaged with creating innovations for a company.
Closing remarks and “homework assignments” are also given to participants so they will begin to utilize their innovation tool set immediately. Finally, all the innovations that have been developed are entered in Innovation Pipeline Management software, so they can be reviewed and examined for potential commercial development by the organization for which the Innovation Academy ™ is being conducted.